A South African Challenge
We all know how challenged our food security is by the various threats to honey bees. Another challenge in South Africa, is how to heal our biodiversity corridors while ensuring that we increase food sources for honey bees.
Bees, gum trees and regulations, A guide for landowners, has been developed by the WWF South Africa in partnership with Nedbank, authored by The Bee Effect’s Eve Puttergill and Dr Tlou Masehela, with Shelly Fuller of the WWF. Because Eucalyptus trees (gums) are a key source of pollen and nectar for honey bees, it’s important to know when they must be removed to support healthy ecosystems, and when they can remain keeping the buzz alive on the lands.
It is current in regulations pertaining to gum trees, with suggestions on forage support for honey bees. This is an easy-to-read and follow digital guide, in which you will also find links to relevant sections of The Bee Effect website to assist you further in your exploration of good bee food, great bee weeds, and standards of farming practice best for bees.
Projects such as this form part of The Bee Effect’s commitment to the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration as an official supporter of the program, supporting healthy biodiversity corridors and playing a role in mitigating climate change impacts.