Rough Chaff Flower
Achyranthes aspera is mostly found in shaded sites of Savanna and riverine forests. Not often visited by bees. Beeplant value of N0-2 P0-1
Red pigweed
A. thunbergii is indigenous to southern Africa. Small annual with prostrate growth habit, mostly in cultivated fields. Beeplant value N0 P0-2
Cape Marigold
Arctotheca calendula. WC to southeastern Cape and Karoo, particularly coastal areas or disturbed soils of vineyards and wheat fields. Two growth forms tufted or sprawling. Beeplant value N0-3 P0-4
Shrubby milkweed
Asclepias fruticosa. Annual or semi-perennial shrub of disturbed sites throughout southern Africa. Lovely source of nectar, contributing to honey of the mixed spring flow. Beeplant values N2-4 P0
Balloon milkweed
A. physocarpa. SW Cape, EC, KZN, MP, G, LIM occurring naturally in grassland. Beeplant value N3? P0
Borreria scabra. Northern Provinces, ZIM, BOT, NAM. Small, annual, hairy herb, a minor weed of disturbed soils in different habitats. The white flowers have purple streaked nectar guides. Beeplant value N0-2 P0-2
Fishbone Cassia
Cassia mimosoides. EC, KZN, northern provinces, ZIM, BOT, NAM. Annual or short-lived perennial herb in grassland. Non-aggressive weed in disturbed areas. Beeplant value N? P0-1
Wild foxglove
Ceratotheca triloba. EC, KZN, SZ, northern provinces, ZIM, BOT, NAM. Upright annual, sometimes perennial, of cultivated fields or disturbed grassland. Beeplant value N1? P0-3
Spider wisp
Cleome gynandra. NC, FS, northern provinces, ZIM, BOT, NAM. Well-known spinach herb of disturbed sites. Flowers and nectar flow depend on the rainfall of the area. Beeplant value N0-1 P0-3
Yellow-spotted cleome
C. maculata. Northern provinces, BOT. Minor weed of disturbed sandy soils. Two of the four mauve petals have a yellow spot which work as nectar guides, being held upwards until the flower is pollinated, after which the petals droop, hiding the spots. Beeplant value N2 P2?
Single-leaf cleome
C. monophylla. KZN, northern provinces, NC, NAM, BOT, ZIM. Small erect herb with pale pinkish mauve flowers, with yellow and purple nectar guide bands. At times in dense stands in disturbed sandy soils. Beeplant value N0-2 P0-3
Gewone blouselblommetjie
Commelina benghalensis. Also known as the Benghal wandering Jew. Found from the EC northwards to ZIM, BOT, NAM. Widespread annual week of fields and grdens in the summer rainfall region. Prostrate or semi-climbing herb with runners, both above and below ground, with flowers that are usually pale blue. Beeplant value N0 P0-2
Wild bindweed
C.sagittatus var. ulosepalus. Widespread indigenous weed of southern Africa. Serious in wheat fields and vineyards along the Orange River. These small white or pinkish flower close circa 11:00. Beeplant value N1-2 P0-2
Staggers weed
Cotula nigellifolia. SC to KZN. Straggling annual or perennial found in damp places. Poisonous to stock. Beeplant value N1 P1
Yellow buttons
C. turbinata also known as a goose daisy. SW Cape. Small annual weed of disturbed soils. C. heterocarpa has been recorded as a bee plant in the EC. Beeplant value N0-1? P0-2
No common name
Cyathula uncinulata. WC to KZN, FS, northern provinces, ZIM. Minor weed of forest margins. Robust scrambling herb. Beeplant value N2? P?
Cyperus spp. Southern Africa, mostly indigenous, with few exotics. Tufted, grass like herbs. Beeplant value N0 P0-1
Devil’s thorn
Dicerocaryum eriocarpum. NC, NW, G, LIM, ZIM, BOT, NAM. Perennial prostrate herb with trailing stems from woody rootstock. Sandy soils of disturbed areas, grassland and old fields. Beeplant value N0-2 P0?
Golden button sedge
Kyllinga erecta. SC to KZN, L, FS, northern provinces, BOT. Small, erect, perennial sedge with underground rhizomes. Troublesome in lawns and other greens. Beeplant value N0 P0-1
Tumble weed
Leucas martinicensis. KZN, SZ, FS, northern provinces, ZIM, BOT, NAM. Indigenous annual herb that has become a weed on roadsides, waste places and cultivated lands. Beeplant value N0-2? P0-1?
Poverty weed
Nidorella resedifolia. Southern Africa. Common annual herb of disturbed areas like ploughed fields or trampled veld. Honey flow and colony build up at Brandfort, Free State, from plants in wheat fields, after abundant rain. Beeplant value N0-3 P0-3
Oxygonum delagoense. NC, northern provinces, ZIM, BOT, NAM. Annual weedy herb of sandy soils. Flowering time variable depending on rainfall. Dark honey with a strong taste and smell, from the Central Kalahari of Botswana and from the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park. Beeplant value N0-3 P0-2
Star stalk
O. sinuatum. Northern provinces, ZIM, NAM. Annual or semi-perennial spreading herb. Weed of disturbed sandy soils. Beeplant value N0-2 P0-1?
Wild poppy
Papaver aculeatum. Eastern half of S. Africa, as well as southwestern Cape. Prickly annual of cultivated fields. Not common. Beeplant value N0 – P2?
Forest inkberry
Phytolacca octandra. Southern and eastern S. Africa. Large, soft-wooded, perennial shrub. Invades disturbed soils, particularly clear-felled ares in forestry plantations. Beeplant value N0-2 P?
Winter weed
Senecio apiifolius. NC, FS, NW, G, LIM. Annual herb of disturbed places, particularly harvested fields. Grows bst in clay soils that retain moisture during dry winter months. Beeplant value N1-3 P2-4
Starvation senecio
S. consanguineus. NAM, NC, FS, NW. Annual herb. Grassland and stony ground, but sometimes a serious weed of cultivated fields. Pollen boosts brood production. Beeplant value N1-4 P1-3
Molteno disease weed
S. inaequidens. Higher lying areas of eastern half of S. Africa – northern provinces, FS, L, SZ, KZN, Ec. Weed of previously disturbed soils in different locations. Erect perennial herb. Contributes to mixed honeys in the FS. Beeplant value N2? P2
No common name
S. madagascariensis. SC, EC, KZN, SZ. From coast to midlands. Annual herb that is a common weed in disturbed areas at times. Beeplant value N2? P3?
Heartleaf sida
Sida cordifolia. KZN, SZ, northern provinces, ZIM, BOT, NAM. Annual to perennial upright shrublet with very strong taproot. Established in disturbed soils, also in woodlands. Two other species found in the east of S. Africa S. acuta and S. Alba, noticed with bees attending flowers.
Arrowleaf sida
S. rhombifolia. EC, KZN, FS, northern provinces, ZIM, BOT. Upright biennial or perennial with strong taproot. Found in disturbed areas, except where annual crops are grown. Beeplant value N0-1 P0-3
Cape wild mustard
Sisymbrium capense. Cape Peninsula to KZN; also Karoo and FS. Indigenous annual. Beeplant value N2? P2?
Rosette wild mustard
S. thellungii. WC, EC, KZN, FS, northern provinces. Erect, sparesely branched annual or biennial. S. officinale established in eastern and southern regions of S. Africa with same beeplant value. Beeplant value N0-2 P0-1
Bankrupt bush
Stoebe vulgaris. Southern Africa. Greyish shrub of disturbed and overgrazed grassland. The majority of the species fond in the WC. Beeplant value N0 P0-1
Common devil’s thorn
Tribulus terrestris. Southern Africa. Prostrate annual with spiny fruit. Common in overgrazed veld or disturbed soil along roads and in fields. Nutritious pollen and stimulative nectar rpomote brood production. Small honey crops occasionally. Beeplant value N0-2 P0-3
Kalahari devil’s thorn
T. zeyheri. NAM, NC, BOT, LIM. Similar to T. terrestris, but larger. Common after good summer rains in disturbed sandy areas. Tribulus cristatus, the winged devil’s thorn also provides nectar and pollen for honey bees. Found in sandy soils and on calcrete outcrops of the NC and NAM. Beeplant value N0-3 P0-3
Ant ursinia
Ursinia nana. S. Africa. Small yellow flowered weed of disturbed veld. Annual or semi-perennial that has outbreak years. Ants freely collect the seeds. Beeplant value N0-1 P0-2