Nasturtium for Honey Bees

Nasturtium,Tropaeolum majus, with large circular flowers that are yellow to orange and shaped like a small hibiscus blossom attracting honey bees.

Nasturtiums, Tropaeolum majus, are a super flowering plant – these large and circular flowers are yellow to orange and shaped like a small hibiscus blossom attracting honey bees as they creep and climb and cover wherever they go.

A great plant if you are wanting to create a landscape of vibrant colour, they germinate quickly and can survive with little attention. Decorate dishes or eat both the flowers and leaves for a peppery taste in salads – in fact, the entire plant is edible…leaves, flowers, stems, seeds – the lot.  And if you are a challenged gardener, don’t fret, they grow well in any type of soil, just keep them well watered through the growing season.


Bee plant values The Bee Effect

Saving our bees is not just about making less toxic environments for them, but too about focusing on what we feed them.  Like us, they need a balanced diet. Pollen and nectar from a diverse choice of flowers; protein from pollen, and carbohydrates, sugars, from nectar. Bee-effective and plant Good Bee Food, for you and your honey bees.

Click here and select your province to find more great plants for honey bees.

Good Bee Food_The Bee Effect

Ref: / Beeplants of South Africa, M.F. Johannsmeier

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