A Safe Haven for Honey Bees
In the later part of 2016 The Bee Effect partnered with Synergy Eldorado to secure their conservancy in the Breede River Valley as a Safe Haven for Bees. The conservancy is a perfect example of creating an environment where we can home honey bee hives, knowing they will be free from vandalism, toxins and other negative factors – and which importantly offers the bee food diversity essential to their survival. Over this period of time finding committed suitable land for our Safe Bee Havens in the Western Cape is proving to be critical, as wide spread fires and droughts, literally withering the province, puts additional pressure on food resources for honey bees. Without the food resources honey bees cannot be placed, and with these factors affecting this, there is a building pressure with suitable hive sites becoming less and less opportune. This is against the backdrop of needing to increase our honey bee populations. So one can understand then that the commitment from Synergy Eldorado is one of grave importance.
In February 2017, we set about placing hives on the conservancy, though limited in number due to the effects of the drought on the abundance of food sources, we anticipate building the hive numbers comfortably over the next rainfall periods breaking the drought. Read more about how Synergy Eldorado are creating a space where man, nature and conservation comes together.