Target crops: Wheat | Barley | Banana| Soft Fruits | Tomato | Aubergine | Cucumber | Potato | Other vegetable crops and herbs
Dynamic is a powerful biological fungicide against numerous phytopathogens, based on the naturally occurring microorganism Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, strain D203. The active ingredients of Dynamic Bacillus amyloliquefaciens is a spore-forming bacterium that colonizes the plant’s root zone. The bacteria produce anti-fungal compounds that suppress pathogenic fungus species and stimulate root growth. It also reduces foliar fungal disease by suppressing disease development.
Target crops: All crops (can be used on all edible and ornamental crops).
A versatile, toxin-free insecticide / fungicide. FIZImite contains a unique blend of safe, physically acting pest and disease control surfactants. It controls by physical means a wide range of pests including: whitefly, aphid, spider mite, mealybug, hard and soft scale insects and bay sucker psyllids. CONTROLS POWDERY MILDEW.
It is safe to use on a wide range of plants without phytotoxicity. Control relies on direct contact with the target. Sufficient spray volume to cover all leaf surfaces, and good foliage penetration is essential. Routine use suppresses a wide range of pests. Pests will not become resistant. Plant wash for a cleaner shiny appearance. Foliar nutrients for a healthier plant. Excellent shelf life.
Combine with natural enemies to reduce pest hot-spots.
Parasitic wasps developing inside mummies appear unaffected. Soil dwelling predatory mites do not appear to be affected. Robust predators such as ladybirds, mirid bugs, hoverfly and lacewing larvae appear unaffected. Leaf dwelling predatory mites are affected by multiple applications. Separate by time or space to integrate. No harvest interval and no residual action, use right up to harvest.
Target crops: date palms, potatoes, tomatoes, spinach, cucumber, peppers, beans, aubergine, brassicas, soft fruits and pome fruit. It can be used on both open field and protected cultivars.
Matrixine is a highly effective insecticide that is safe to use on crops and in the presence of beneficial insects. The product is suitable for use as part of an IPM programme and can lessen the requirement for toxic chemical pesticides, to provide a safe and effective addition other biocontrol methods. It controls target pests by contact or by ingestion. Treated insects stop feeding quickly, preventing the pests from further damaging the trees. It leaves a protective layer on the leaves of plants and makes the crop less attractive to pests. It leaves no residues on fresh produce and is based on naturally occurring plant compounds.
Target crops: Mango | Peach | Fig | Apricot | Sidr/Jujube | Guava | Papaya | Avacado
Zonatrac is an innovative Lure & Kill system for the management of several fruit fly species. It is available in separate male and female formulations to increase the likelihood of successful separation of the sexes. Through reduced opportunity for reproduction combined with mortality upon contact, the fruit fly population is suppressed and infestations are prevented.
Target Crops: Tomato | Cucumber | Peppers | Aubergine | Beans | Potato | Sweet Potato | Cereal | Fruit Crops
Recharge is a specialised microbial fertiliser based on beneficial soil microbes, that improves soil health, shifting the focus of any IPM programme from the top to the bottom, from outside. Recharge is a rich combination of naturally occurring soil micro-organisms that promote a healthy soil and are vital to crop health.
Target crops: Rose | Vine | Fruit
A novel result of biotechnology, Yokosan penetrates the plant and affects it on a cellular level. The humate content of Yokosan raises the germination rate of seeds, accelerates plant development, increases resistance to drought, frosts and radiation. It increases cellular energy, facilitating the formation of chlorophyll, vitamin С, sugar, amino acids, and other important structural substances.
It is an organic, liquid, biological fertiliser based on potassium, humate, water extract of worm casting and beneficial microorganisms. It is a dark-brown liquid with a pH between 9-10. It is enriched with humic acids, iron, manganese, zinc and copper. The product does not contain synthetic additives or genetically modified organisms. It is an ECOCERT organic-certified product.
There is an increase of root biomass in treated plants along with an increase of the ability to survive the winter and adapt to stressfull conditions. Yokosan enables a higher resistance to disease, causes a darkening of the pigmentation of the leaves and increases the storage life of the crops after harvesting.
What to expect: Fruit
Shortens time to harvest by 5-14 days.
Increases the content of sugar up to 1%.
Increases the possible storage period of the picked fruits by 1 -3 days.
What to expect: Vine
Shortens time to harvest by 10 – 15 days.
Increases the sugar content in the grapes up to 2%.
Decreases the nitrate content of the ripe grapes by up to 50%. Increases the possible storage period of the grapes by 1 -3 days.
What to expect: Rose
Increases the shoot and leaf growth of the rose.
Shortens the time to full blossoming by 3 – 5 days.
Increases the dry content (weight) of the blossom.