A fascinating lecture by biodynamic beekeeper and anthroposophist Gunther Hauk, as he opens up the discussion of the role and responsibility of beekeepers for the health and survival of honey bees into the future. How does commercial beekeeping impact on our honey bees? And what are the bees telling us about our world, our agriculture, our attitude to what is important, to who we are as societies. A calm and engaging lecturer, Gunther takes us on a journey exploring the nature of spirit in all aspects of our world, from the Greeks to the Native Americans into our modern cultures and back again; all the time weaving a picture that at its end leaves one with a sense of having taken a degree in life. Engage with his thinking on crisis as a beginning, not an end, and where & how do we deepen our knowledge to understand the behaviour of the sum of our parts to enable healthier decision making. Man, nature and culture explored with spirit.