Its all in the beating of their wings! Honey bees, for survival, must maintain a [...]
“The diversity of honeybees in the SWIO Islands constitutes a unique heritage that deserves special attention” this [...]
Only the worker bees develop special wax-producing glands on their abdomens and when they eat [...]
Over 100 years ago, Karl von Frisch proved that bees can see colour, and the [...]
To collect one kg of honey, a hive of bees will fly just over 140 000 kilometers. [...]
In winter when there is very little nectar around as there are no flowers, the [...]
Ever wondered how honey bees seem to all gravitate to a few delicious flowers? How [...]
Once back in the hive after collecting nectar, the honey bees drop the honey into [...]
Honey is made from the nectar collected from the flower, the sticky juice they suck [...]
The main purpose of the drone is to mate in flight with the queen bee; [...]